
Monday, May 19, 2014

My little vegetable and herb garden

I wanted to grow a garden for three reasons. One, I wanted to teach my children that anyone can grow their own food. Two, I love fresh organic vegetables.  Three, I want to help save money on on grocery budget.  I decided to try the lasagna garden technique that I had been reading about. Late last fall the boys cut some branches to edge the garden and hold in all the organic layers we were going to add. Next the boys hammered in the sticks and weaved in a few more. Then we layered news paper ten sheets thick right over the grass. Next we layered dry chopped leaves, and well rotted chicken poo and hay from my moms pile. We saved out kitchen scraps, coffee grinds and egg shells all winter and added them to our garden. We topped the garden this spring with fresh cut grass clippings and a layer of compost. 

We also placed pots in the corners planted with mint and chives to help ward off pests and to use in the kitchen. I learned the hard way to contain mint.

The garden is planted and doing very well. 

Heirloom tomatoes planted deep.

I am also trying the companion planting to ward off pests the organic way. Can you see some off the flowers? 

The Brussels are growing and the Broccoli is doing well.

We have Basil planted in the center of the tomatoes.

I love fresh homemade pesto don't you?

Cucumbers are coming up. The boys want to make pickles so we have a few hills planted. This next picture is a separate bed of greens and spinach. I covered it with fencing to keep the neighbors cats from using it as liter box and it has worked like a charm. 

We have another separate bed for corn, green beans and squash but the soil temp is still not warm enough to plant. I hope you enjoyed my little organic garden.

                         Blessings, Missy


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